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Hui Hui is a coach, a course creator, and the Founder, and CEO of Impact University and Inner World Training. She is the creator of the 7-Day Course Creation Challenge through which she helps new entrepreneurs and coaches create digital courses and coaching programs.


Hui Hui is a coach, a course creator, and the Founder, and CEO of Impact University and Inner World Training. She is the creator of the 7-Day Course Creation Challenge through which she helps new entrepreneurs and coaches create digital courses and coaching programs.

Hi, I'm

Hui Hui Lek

CEO & Founder of Inner World Training

Who is Hui Hui and what is your backstory?

I was born and raised in Singapore, but I’m Chinese. Growing up, I was a very shy and introverted child. And because I’m the youngest child, most of the time I played alone at home and at times with my mom. Ever since I was young, I wanted to be an entrepreneur. So after my first job, which was book editor, I decided that I didn’t want to just work for other people anymore. I wanted to start my own business. So I started my entrepreneurial journey. I have to say it has been good. I’ve been an entrepreneur for about 19 years now. However, the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey was challenging; being introverted, it was very difficult for me to speak publicly.

Just before the pandemic, I had a retail business, which I had run for 12 years. Every moment with my customers would make me nervous and at times the situation would get out of hand and I would run and hide. But eventually, after 12 years of experience as a retailer, I honed my public speaking skills.

However, when the pandemic came, it wiped out 80% of my retail business. Since I was doing events, – event sales, and retail, I wasn’t able to run my retail business anymore. And at the time, I was just weighing my options and I realized that there were not many options for me. A moment came when I was attending a webinar, in which I wanted to understand more about online marketing and digital marketing. I watched this guru on stage, and he suddenly just triggered this dream that I had many, many years ago, 14 years ago to be exact, which is to become a speaker, a trainer, and a coach. And after that webinar, I was so inspired by what he said about the impact that he was making on the lives of his students. Then I cried uncontrollably for 30 minutes. And from then on, I started to think about what I really wanted to do.

But fast forward a few months later, I was in a Zoom session with a six-figure coach in Singapore, and I was trying to seek her advice because she seemed to be very experienced. I told her about my dream to become a speaker, trainer, and coach. I asked her if she thought I could make it because back then I was a nobody. I wasn’t a coach. I didn’t know how to become a coach. She just looked at me and said “Hui Hui you don’t speak well. You’re so shy and introverted. You don’t even have a social media following to become a coach.” She poured cold water on me and on my dream. I’m sure many of you have experienced that before. It was like a needle had pierced through my heart. And because of what she said I just gave up. I gave up on that dream.

It was only several months later when I attended a Tony Robbins event that that dream was reignited. I heard him say it’s okay for me to become a coach, even if I’m just one chapter in. He told me I didn’t have to be perfect. I could improve along the way. That’s how I started, with one of my first clients, after she took a few free classes with me. By then I had 10 people in my Facebook group and I was giving out free classes. This lady came to me after two weeks and said Hui Hui, can you become my coach. I was so touched when she told me her story. She told me that she wanted to quit her full-time job. She wasn’t feeling fulfilled. And she really wanted to help women after menopause. After she told me her dream, I said to myself, “This is someone that I really want to help”. At the time, I had no idea how to be a coach but I said yes anyway.

I realized that when someone places their dreams on you, you could impact their life by helping them fulfill their dream. How wonderful is that? And that’s how Impact University started. That’s how I started inner world training and that’s how I started my coaching business.

I sought out many different mentors to become good at what I do. I had three different mentors. I just set my goal to do 100k in 100 days in my coaching business, and I actually hit that in 70 days. Then I made a second goal, which was to hit a quarter million. I hit that in the next three months, and then I set the next goal, which was to hit a million in about 12 months. And I did! (in about 10 months). I wanted to pave the way for my clients. I wanted to be a role model for them. So I tried hard to become good at what I do so that eventually, I can teach them to become who they want to be. This is what I’ve been doing for the past 18 months.

She had successfully turned her passion into profit and helped over 1000 new coaches & course creators create their online course.



Creator of the Mission To Movement 7-Day Course Creation Challenge

Impact University Programs

Impact U Elites (Getting You To Your 1st 10K)

Impact U Platinum (Scaling To Your 100K)

Implementation Weekend Intensive (Get Your Course Up In 3 Days)

Personal Results:

Achieved $1.8 million in her coaching business in 18 months.

Client Results:

ET achieved $100K in 9 months

Ed achieved $100K in 99 days

AK achieved $76K in 2 months

SS achieved $63K in 3 months

CK achieved $50K in 2 months

JB achieved $16K in 6 months

NI achieved $14K in 9 months

MS achieved $10K in 4 months

YS achieved $10K in 8 months

DC achieved $10K in 1 month

Dozens already got their 1st $100K, $50K, $10K, and first paying clients.

Start creating your very own online course for your coaching business and Join The Challenge Now!




Creator of the Mission To Movement 7-Day Course Creation Challenge

Impact University Programs

Impact U Elites (Getting You To Your 1st 10K)

Impact U Platinum (Scaling To Your 100K)

Implementation Weekend Intensive (Get Your Course Up In 3 Days)

Personal Results:

Achieved $1.1 million in her coaching business in under 12 months.

Client Results:

ET : achieved $71K in 8 months

SS : achieved $63K in 2 months

CK : achieved $50K in 3 months

EL : achieved $36K in 2 months

JB : achieved $16K in 6 months

AK: achieved $15K in 2 months

NI : achieved $14K in 9 months

MS : achieved $10K in 4 months

YS : achieved $10K in 8 months

Dozens already got their 1st $100K, $50K, $10K, and first paying clients.

Start creating your very own online course for your coaching business and

Join The Challenge Now!

How I Made My First $250,000 In My Coaching Business In Less Than 6 Months

The 5 Keys To High Ticket Coaching

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How I Made My First $250,000 In My Coaching Business In

Less Than 6 Months

The 5 Keys To Making It Happen

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At Inner World Training, our mission is to empower individuals with the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to create exceptional online courses that inspire, educate, and transform lives. We are committed to providing comprehensive, high-quality course creation programs that equip aspiring instructors and entrepreneurs with the tools they need to succeed in the digital learning landscape.

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At Inner World Training, our mission is to help coaches create their high impact high ticket programs to get to 6 figures

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  • Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

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