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Don't Take My Word For It, Here's What Others Have To Say...


Don't Take My Word For It, Here's What Others Have To Say...

CCC Testimonials

"Hui Hui, what an amazing, beautiful, loving, caring, authentic human being you are. I am in such deep gratitude, I've joined your challenge and I'm so grateful that I did because I have been struggling to work on my mastermind course. 

I have joined other groups before and have been doing some challenges and all I can say is that your challenge, Oh my goodness! It's is an amazing content that you have given us, so easy to follow, it did not overwhelm, I can actually feel like Oh my goodness! I am finally gonna get my message out to the world and help others.

- Maria M.

"I have to say this to be very honest that I paid thousands of dollars to famous guru to learn how to do course creation for a year into the membership but I have done nothing, I felt I was so alone in there, I couldn't get anything done but after joining this challenge that Hui Hui had put up, In seven days or lesser, I came up with a framework that I thought I was gonna give up. I am really glad I did this!"

- Erica

"Before this challenge I was a little lost, I was a little confused, didn't really know how to structure and prepare framework and identify content or calls to action for my course but after taking the course with Hui Hui, I have been able to finalize my structure, create bite size content that my clients will be able to understand."

- Doug H.

"I am deeply touched. Your mission will happen, the world needs it, the world is crying for it and you touched my heart with this business of what you just stand out more than anyone I've met. Before this, I've spent $10,000 worth of implementation and it was just I might have just thrown $10,000 in a toilet and you just touched my heart and definitely have sense that you could take me over the line and have knowing that if I could work with you then it could come out and I could serve a worldwide mission. From the bottom of my heart Hui Hui, Thank you"

- Carol

"Thank you for the great Course Creation Challenge. Before the challenge, I felt like I was procrastinating a lot but in this challenge, I really needed that everyday homework and everyday challenge to get me going. "

- Alyona Elene V.

"Before this challenge, I was feeling a little hesitant and uncertain about how to go about my workshops but after attending this challenge now I have more clarity of what needs to be done. I enjoyed learning the value ladder and also the discipline of doing the things that we need to do even when we don't feel like doing it."

- Alex

"Hui Hui is very generous, she explained clearly and I love her method because everything is clear. She gave stories, examples and we absorb information easily. I recommend to just do it! you will have more momentum, feedback from others and clarity in what you're doing so just DO IT!"

- Mina

"Hui Hui gave us a really simple framework to use. She even got me up on live videos and she just laid it out so easily that a fifth grader could understand it. She just uses the right combination of humor, hand holding and a firm kick in the pants to get us all moving to the finish line. Hui Hui is an amazing coach!"

- Monica

"I love the way Hui Hui present things in the simple way for people to understand. I have invested in some courses with other coaches before but I've felt that they've been far too complex and for that reason I love Hui Hui's approach. Her structures are fantastic, her presentation skills are brilliant."

- Debbie H.

"First of all I wanna say Thank you! Before taking this Course Creation Challenge, I felt doubtful that I was truly ready to come out for the course. I've had the imposter syndrome but this course really given me a sense of purpose and direction not just in business but for a purpose in my life."

- Grace S.

"Before I started this challenge and believe me probably many of us have been doing so many challenges especially the free ones or the cheap ones then I got to the stage where I was getting frustrated with myself and thankfully I found this challenge. She got me hooked in right from the very beginning where she started by saying business is a spiritual journey that we can be authentic and in service for others and at the same time make money."

- Linda-Orr E.

"I am very grateful for this challenge. Before this challenge, I was feeling stuck and losing trust in myself but after this challenge, I got a lot of clarity and I got to understand how to structure my course and finally come out from my hidden place. This journey has been amazing and I wake up every day feeling motivated to learn to see what's next and saw every day my growth so I'm very grateful for this."

- Marianna S.

"One thing I wanna say about these guys is they're structured, they're on time and they're all organized, I love all the reminder emails, love everything about it. I lost $1,400 spending from courses before but now I'm grateful that my last money just paid the $1,400 dollars that I lost. You just came in at the right time and I'm not holding back anymore, I'm not going anywhere anymore. You're stuck with me for life and I'm not going anywhere else. Thank you so much Hui Hui and team."

- Norma I.

"I felt like I had all of the tools, the resources, the knowledge education that it was like pieces to the puzzle and they were able to really help me put that puzzle together to see that beautiful picture, the future, how to utilize that and how to help myself, my family and give back to others. Thank you so much, I would definitely recommend this course for anybody. Dive in, it's all worth it."

- Robert B.

"I've learned so much and I have been involved with different challenges as well. You're the Queen of Frameworks. You really have a simplistic way of handling things and getting things across. I'm not that system oriented and that's an eye opener to me."

- Sue B.

"Before this CCC, I was feeling kind of hopeless, scattered all over the place and I had been using another course but I couldn't get it to completion so I was feeling frustrated and really down on myself but after this challenge, I now feel confident, re-energized, I actually saw my course and my content repackaged in a different way. It's so easy to follow Hui Hui's program that she's created. It's so simple. I do 100% recommend the 7-day course creation challenge."

- Tracy H.

"Before, I attended other professional programs but it took me ages to watch all the videos in the other trainings, I felt overwhelmed and I didn't finalize my course because there were still so many things to consider but after I met Hui Hui, She condensed everything and she brings it straight to the point. It's a real shortcut. She challenged me to connect the dots within 1 week and I could now publish my first course. I have now my own challenge ready and I'm working on my signature program."

- Berthold G.

"Before this challenge, I completely lost and stuck and had a previous guru that kinda helped me, but I was just an another number and didn't have this personal guidance, I didn't feel really supported and was still stuck and lost but after this challenge, I have a lot of clarity and I know now what is my mission where do I have to go. It's like magic and you really have to experience this. You can tell Hui Hui and her team care about you, about your project, about the impact that you want to make in this world."

- Cristina G.

IU Elites and IU Platinum Programs

Bootcamps and

Implementation Weekend Intensive

"I would recommend it to anyone who wants to put their course up and also what I want to add is that I am not good with technology and you don't need to be good at technology because there's a step by step guide and If I can do it, then anyone can do it."

- Gabriella

"Before I was struggling so much and making myself focus of the whole process of creating my own course but after joining Hui Hui and Martin on their intensive training, it's amazing what you can really get done. It's taking like years wrapped into three days."

- Nancy I.

"For those who are sitting on the fence, I do recommend this course for you because not only it would give you years and years of saving of putting your course like literally from confused before into literally clearing your course up. It's not just a dream, it's real! "

- Haig M.

"I am so eternally grateful to the intention that Hui Hui set from the very beginning of our time together. Hui Hui told us that she was here for all of us to cross the finish line together. Hui Hui is a real deal I am so blessed, so fortunate to have had the stars aligned for our paths to cross. I am forever a fan"

- Sylvia R.

"Before I didn't know which way to go. It's like I had all this material that I wanted to do, but I didn't know how to structure it and then after I met Hui Hui and Martin and going this 3 days intensive course, I now know I have so much clarity, focus and know exactly where I want to go and get my course up there. "

- Nancy L.

"Before I was kind of stuck in a loop, didn't know which way to go and afraid to move forward and get my course up.. After I met Hui Hui and Martin, totally changed it's amazing what they teach in 3 days and their templates are the best part of it because now I have something that I can use on further courses that I may do."

- Pam R.

"It's just amazing to me so I want to thank you Hui Hui for all the amazing advice. It saved me months, because I was before trying to get something together since more than one and a half years and now in three days, I have a clear direction, a framework that I can use for the rest of my life and it makes it so easy to get something together. I will recommend it to everyone and it's so nice to connect with you, the support you give, the advice the way you give it."

- Angelika

"Hui Hui and Martin put into three days, what it would have taken me literally weeks if not months to workout. The information is somewhere there but you literally put it into three day. You had a very good worksheets which is very helpful. You both have such an incredible knowledge about how to do it but also about marketing, working, copywriting and for me a non English speaker it's extremely valuable."

- Denise

"Thank you so much! My life is starting to change in an amazing way. You touched my heart. I was in a different program, spend a lot of money and got nowhere, but when I decided to join your program, the certainty is no doubt I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna succeed. The way you show up and the way you speak is from your heart. Thank you so much!"

- Paula B.

"You know you're amazing! It's just absolutely phenomenal. So much value and information. I am so grateful, thank you so much. It's amazing! You gave me a sense of hope that I can do this and yes I really can because you're breaking it down in such small pieces that they're digestible."

- Rochelle C.

"I know my niche but I was having a hard time putting it in order but Hui Hui pulled me up for the hot seat and went over all my information with me. She made it so much easier and I feel a lot more confidence and I feel like I can present this in a better way."

- Theresa L.

"Before I met Hui Hui, I was insecure and didn't really know what I want in life, pretty lost actually and I was wondering whether coming out in social media would keep my personality tight cause I'm extremely introverted however, after meeting Hui Hui I have decided to come out as a coach, I feel that I can come out from my shell."

- Deborah C.

"Before this bootcamp, I was actually feeling like I was having some doubts about this industry but after this presentation secrets boot camp, I just have this confidence. I recommend this bootcamp to all those who are thinking of scaling up their game plan."

- Su Lin

"Hui Hui is just amazing! She gives so much value, she pours herself into her course. I came from a place of unsafety and self doubt but after this program I feel like I became an action taker, I have now structure. So if you're aspiring to create an online course or coaching business, I would warmly recommend this."

- Meri B.

"Before the bootcamp, I was really not on track, I was derailed and I was stop and go and with the bootcamp I got all the Golden Nuggets, the pathway and the roadmap to success. Now I'm confident. Thank you Hui Hui and Martin."

- Marion K.

"Hui Hui and Martin are incredible leaders. They provide absolute organization and structure on that they teach us. I learned how to overcome my external factors and not allowing them affect my decision making. I absolutely value their work and what they teach us."

- Mari M.

"Before the course creation challenge I was feeling overwhelmed but after the Course Creation Challenge, I now feel like I'm able to implement what she's been teaching and get my course up running. I am thankful that Hui Hui takes the time to teach us and share her knowledge along with her heart that she's totally invested in the course creation challenge."

- Marianna T.

"I learned so much and just keep adding it on through the layers of what I've been learning with the team. I was feeling great coming into the bootcamp and I feel so much greater because there's so much more I've learned and be able to apply all of these even more. To anybody out there who's listening to this, don't question yourselves, just get involved with this incredible team."

- John P.

"Before the bootcamp, I'm already pumped up with the rocket launch and now the bootcamp, I'm feeling more and more pumped up. Join the bootcamp with Hui Hui"

- Haryani

"Before attending the bootcamp, I was feeling like what's the next direction that I'm going to do for my coaching business? After attenting, there are lot of takeaways. Thank you for the reminder that I need to step up. Thank you and I appreciate it."

- Goh C. Y.

"OMG, this was amazing! I got exactly what she said we would get and that is transformation and an experience. It was way over the top more than I could ever imagined. Some of us were moved to tears because we felt Hui Hui's heart and she got our heart. It's a beautiful, amazing transformational experience."

- Gina H.

"Before this bootcamp, I was completely lost and this bootcamp had me so much to get back on track and I'm so grateful for your teachings, for the organization and for all your wisdom and sharing golden nuggets with us. I enjoyed every piece of this bootcamp so I would definitely recommend this bootcamp to everyone."

- Fedra

"What an amazing experience that was! Before the bootcamp I was not taking my business very seriously and I was treating it as I'll get to it when I'm ready, but when we talked about treating our business like a raising a child and me being a mom of five, I totally understood what that meant and how you would not give up on your child that it needs to be fed and cared for whether you feel like it or not."

- Deena

"What an amazing experience this has been. This bootcamp was absolutely mind blowing, so packed with so much information. I just entered the program and didn't quite know where to begin but thank you for the guidelines, the clarity. A lot of information that you've parted with, really made the difference and made me believe that this is the time for me to take massive action."

- Christa

"This bootcamp was amazing! Before the bootcamp, I wasn't expecting anything special but now the outcome has been amazing and I learned how to create these amazing speaking skills and also how to manage the pitch and the sales so I recommend it to anyone. Thank you Hui Hui and Martin"

- Carla C.

"I found it incredibly informative and educational. Before this challenge, I found myself kinda stuck in moving forward and putting my vision together in terms of my marketing strategy even though I had been educated on these tools. But I ended up with incredible clarity, all of the pieces are in the proper buckets and ready to launch."

- Bonita C.

Clients' Win

🎉Sylvia Got 27k from 2 clients

for her program

🎉Gina from $500 to $5500 

in 1.5 months

🎉Erica got $27k + $45.5k

in 2 challenges

🎉Edmund got $36k and $73K

after 2 challenges 

🎉Another win for Edmund as he got $100k in 100 Days

CCC Testimonials

"Hui Hui, what an amazing, beautiful, loving, caring, authentic human being you are. I am in such deep gratitude, I've joined your challenge and I'm so grateful that I did because I have been struggling to work on my mastermind course. 

I have joined other groups before and have been doing some challenges and all I can say is that your challenge, Oh my goodness! It's is an amazing content that you have given us, so easy to follow, it did not overwhelm, I can actually feel like I am finally gonna get my message out to the world and help others.

- Maria M.

"I have to say this to be very honest that I paid thousands of dollars to famous guru to learn how to do course creation for a year into the membership but I have done nothing. I felt I was so alone in there, I couldn't get anything done. But after joining this challenge that Hui Hui had put up, in 7 days or lesser, I came up with a framework that I thought I was gonna give up. I am really glad I did this!"

- Erica

"Before this challenge I was a little lost, I was a little confused, didn't really know how to structure and prepare framework and identify content or calls to action for my course but after taking the course with Hui Hui, I have been able to finalize my structure, create bite size content that my clients will be able to understand."

- Doug H.

"I am deeply touched. Your mission will happen, the world needs it, the world is crying for it and you touched my heart with this business of what you just stand out more than anyone I've met. Before this, I've spent $10,000 worth of implementation and it was just I might have just thrown $10,000 in a toilet and you just touched my heart and definitely have sense that you could take me over the line and have knowing that if I could work with you then it could come out and I could serve a worldwide mission. From the bottom of my heart Hui Hui, Thank you"

- Carol

"Hui Hui is very generous, she explained clearly and I love her method because everything is clear. She gave stories, examples and we absorb information easily. I recommend to just do it! you will have more momentum, feedback from others and clarity in what you're doing so just DO IT!"

- Mina

"Hui Hui gave us a really simple framework to use. She even got me up on live videos and she just laid it out so easily that a fifth grader could understand it. She just uses the right combination of humor, hand holding and a firm kick in the pants to get us all moving to the finish line. Hui Hui is an amazing coach!"

- Monica

"I love the way Hui Hui present things in the simple way for people to understand. I have invested in some courses with other coaches before but I've felt that they've been far too complex and for that reason I love Hui Hui's approach. Her structures are fantastic, her presentation skills are brilliant."

- Debbie H.

"First of all I wanna say Thank you! Before taking this Course Creation Challenge, I felt doubtful that I was truly ready to come out for the course. I've had the imposter syndrome but this course really given me a sense of purpose and direction not just in business but for a purpose in my life."

- Grace S.

"Thank you for the great Course Creation Challenge. Before the challenge, I felt like I was procrastinating a lot but in this challenge, I really needed that everyday homework and everyday challenge to get me going. "

- Alyona Elene V.

"Before this challenge, I was feeling a little hesitant and uncertain about how to go about my workshops but after attending this challenge now I have more clarity of what needs to be done. I enjoyed learning the value ladder and also the discipline of doing the things that we need to do even when we don't feel like doing it."

- Alex

"Before I started this challenge and believe me probably many of us have been doing so many challenges especially the free ones or the cheap ones then I got to the stage where I was getting frustrated with myself and thankfully I found this challenge. She got me hooked in right from the very beginning where she started by saying business is a spiritual journey that we can be authentic and in service for others and at the same time make money."

- Linda-Orr E.

"I am very grateful for this challenge. Before this challenge, I was feeling stuck and losing trust in myself but after this challenge, I got a lot of clarity and I got to understand how to structure my course and finally come out from my hidden place. This journey has been amazing and I wake up every day feeling motivated to learn to see what's next and saw every day my growth so I'm very grateful for this."

- Marianna S.

"One thing I wanna say about these guys is they're structured, they're on time and they're all organized, I love all the reminder emails, love everything about it. I lost $1,400 spending from courses before but now I'm grateful that my last money just paid the $1,400 dollars that I lost. You just came in at the right time and I'm not holding back anymore, I'm not going anywhere anymore. You're stuck with me for life and I'm not going anywhere else. Thank you so much Hui Hui and team."

- Norma I.

"I felt like I had all of the tools, the resources, the knowledge education that it was like pieces to the puzzle and they were able to really help me put that puzzle together to see that beautiful picture, the future, how to utilize that and how to help myself, my family and give back to others. Thank you so much, I would definitely recommend this course for anybody. Dive in, it's all worth it."

- Robert B.

"Before, I attended other professional programs but it took me ages to watch all the videos in the other trainings, I felt overwhelmed and I didn't finalize my course because there were still so many things to consider but after I met Hui Hui, she condensed everything and she brings it straight to the point. It's a real shortcut. She challenged me to connect the dots within 1 week and I could now publish my first course. I have now my own challenge ready and I'm working on my signature program."

- Berthold G.

"Before this challenge, I completely lost and stuck and had a previous guru that kinda helped me, but I was just an another number and didn't have this personal guidance, I didn't feel really supported and was still stuck and lost but after this challenge, I have a lot of clarity and I know now what is my mission where do I have to go. It's like magic and you really have to experience this. You can tell Hui Hui and her team care about you, about your project, about the impact that you want to make in this world."

- Cristina G.

"I've learned so much and I have been involved with different challenges as well. You're the Queen of Frameworks. You really have a simplistic way of handling things and getting things across. I'm not that system oriented and that's an eye opener to me."

- Sue B.

"Before this CCC, I was feeling kind of hopeless, scattered all over the place and I had been using another course but I couldn't get it to completion so I was feeling frustrated and really down on myself but after this challenge, I now feel confident, re-energized, I actually saw my course and my content repackaged in a different way. It's so easy to follow Hui Hui's program that she's created. It's so simple. I do 100% recommend the 7-day course creation challenge."

- Tracy H.

IU Elites and IU Platinum Programs

Bootcamps and Implementation Weekend Intensive

"I would recommend it to anyone who wants to put their course up and also what I want to add is that I am not good with technology and you don't need to be good at technology because there's a step by step guide and If I can do it, then anyone can do it."

- Gabriella

"Before I was struggling so much and making myself focus of the whole process of creating my own course but after joining Hui Hui and Martin on their intensive training, it's amazing what you can really get done. It's taking like years wrapped into three days."

- Nancy I.

"For those who are sitting on the fence, I do recommend this course for you because not only it would give you years and years of saving of putting your course like literally from confused before into literally clearing your course up. It's not just a dream, it's real! "

- Haig M.

"I am so eternally grateful to the intention that Hui Hui set from the very beginning of our time together. Hui Hui told us that she was here for all of us to cross the finish line together. Hui Hui is a real deal I am so blessed, so fortunate to have had the stars aligned for our paths to cross. I am forever a fan"

- Sylvia R.

"Before I didn't know which way to go. It's like I had all this material that I wanted to do, but I didn't know how to structure it and then after I met Hui Hui and Martin and going this 3 days intensive course, I now know I have so much clarity, focus and know exactly where I want to go and get my course up there. "

- Nancy L.

"Before I was kind of stuck in a loop, didn't know which way to go and afraid to move forward and get my course up.. After I met Hui Hui and Martin, totally changed it's amazing what they teach in 3 days and their templates are the best part of it because now I have something that I can use on further courses that I may do."

- Pam R.

"It's just amazing to me so I want to thank you Hui Hui for all the amazing advice. It saved me months, because I was before trying to get something together since more than one and a half years and now in three days, I have a clear direction, a framework that I can use for the rest of my life and it makes it so easy to get something together. I will recommend it to everyone and it's so nice to connect with you, the support you give, the advice the way you give it."

- Angelika

"Hui Hui and Martin put into three days, what it would have taken me literally weeks if not months to workout. The information is somewhere there but you literally put it into three day. You had a very good worksheets which is very helpful. You both have such an incredible knowledge about how to do it but also about marketing, working, copywriting and for me a non English speaker it's extremely valuable."

- Denise

"Thank you so much! My life is starting to change in an amazing way. You touched my heart. I was in a different program, spend a lot of money and got nowhere, but when I decided to join your program, the certainty is no doubt I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna succeed. The way you show up and the way you speak is from your heart. Thank you so much!"

- Paula B.

"You know you're amazing! It's just absolutely phenomenal. So much value and information. I am so grateful, thank you so much. It's amazing! You gave me a sense of hope that I can do this and yes I really can because you're breaking it down in such small pieces that they're digestible."

- Rochelle C.

"I know my niche but I was having a hard time putting it in order but Hui Hui pulled me up for the hot seat and went over all my information with me. She made it so much easier and I feel a lot more confidence and I feel like I can present this in a better way."

- Theresa L.

"Before I met Hui Hui, I was insecure and didn't really know what I want in life, pretty lost actually and I was wondering whether coming out in social media would keep my personality tight cause I'm extremely introverted however, after meeting Hui Hui I have decided to come out as a coach, I feel that I can come out from my shell."

- Deborah C.

"Before this bootcamp, I was actually feeling like I was having some doubts about this industry but after this presentation secrets boot camp, I just have this confidence. I recommend this bootcamp to all those who are thinking of scaling up their game plan."

- Su Lin

"Hui Hui is just amazing! She gives so much value, she pours herself into her course. I came from a place of unsafety and self doubt but after this program I feel like I became an action taker, I have now structure. So if you're aspiring to create an online course or coaching business, I would warmly recommend this."

- Meri B.

"Before the bootcamp, I was really not on track, I was derailed and I was stop and go and with the bootcamp I got all the Golden Nuggets, the pathway and the roadmap to success. Now I'm confident. Thank you Hui Hui and Martin."

- Marion K.

"Hui Hui and Martin are incredible leaders. They provide absolute organization and structure on that they teach us. I learned how to overcome my external factors and not allowing them affect my decision making. I absolutely value their work and what they teach us."

- Mari M.

"Before the course creation challenge I was feeling overwhelmed but after the Course Creation Challenge, I now feel like I'm able to implement what she's been teaching and get my course up running. I am thankful that Hui Hui takes the time to teach us and share her knowledge along with her heart that she's totally invested in the course creation challenge."

- Marianna T.

"I learned so much and just keep adding it on through the layers of what I've been learning with the team. I was feeling great coming into the bootcamp and I feel so much greater because there's so much more I've learned and be able to apply all of these even more. To anybody out there who's listening to this, don't question yourselves, just get involved with this incredible team."

- John P.

"Before the bootcamp, I'm already pumped up with the rocket launch and now the bootcamp, I'm feeling more and more pumped up. Join the bootcamp with Hui Hui"

- Haryani

"Before attending the bootcamp, I was feeling like what's the next direction that I'm going to do for my coaching business? After attenting, there are lot of takeaways. Thank you for the reminder that I need to step up. Thank you and I appreciate it."

- Goh C. Y.

"OMG, this was amazing! I got exactly what she said we would get and that is transformation and an experience. It was way over the top more than I could ever imagined. Some of us were moved to tears because we felt Hui Hui's heart and she got our heart. It's a beautiful, amazing transformational experience."

- Gina H.

"Before this bootcamp, I was completely lost and this bootcamp had me so much to get back on track and I'm so grateful for your teachings, for the organization and for all your wisdom and sharing golden nuggets with us. I enjoyed every piece of this bootcamp so I would definitely recommend this bootcamp to everyone."

- Fedra

"What an amazing experience that was! Before the bootcamp I was not taking my business very seriously and I was treating it as I'll get to it when I'm ready, but when we talked about treating our business like a raising a child and me being a mom of five, I totally understood what that meant and how you would not give up on your child that it needs to be fed and cared for whether you feel like it or not."

- Deena

"What an amazing experience this has been. This bootcamp was absolutely mind blowing, so packed with so much information. I just entered the program and didn't quite know where to begin but thank you for the guidelines, the clarity. A lot of information that you've parted with, really made the difference and made me believe that this is the time for me to take massive action."

- Christa

"This bootcamp was amazing! Before the bootcamp, I wasn't expecting anything special but now the outcome has been amazing and I learned how to create these amazing speaking skills and also how to manage the pitch and the sales so I recommend it to anyone. Thank you Hui Hui and Martin"

- Carla C.

"I found it incredibly informative and educational. Before this challenge, I found myself kinda stuck in moving forward and putting my vision together in terms of my marketing strategy even though I had been educated on these tools. But I ended up with incredible clarity, all of the pieces are in the proper buckets and ready to launch."

- Bonita C.

Clients' Win

🎉Sylvia Got 27k from 2 clients for her program

🎉Gina from $500 to $5500 in 1.5 months

🎉Erica got $72,500 in 2 challenges

🎉Edmund got $73K after 2 challenges 

🎉Another win for Edmund as he hit

$100k in 99 Days

How I Made My First $250,000 In My Coaching Business In Less Than 6 Months

The Untold 5 Keys To High-Ticket Coaching

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How I Made My First $250,000 In My Coaching Business In

Less Than 6 Months

The 5 Keys To Making It Happen

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At Inner World Training, our mission is to empower individuals with the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to create exceptional online courses that inspire, educate, and transform lives. We are committed to providing comprehensive, high-quality course creation programs that equip aspiring instructors and entrepreneurs with the tools they need to succeed in the digital learning landscape.

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© Copyright 2024. Inner World Training. All rights reserved.

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At Inner World Training, our mission is to help coaches create their high impact high ticket programs to get to 6 figures

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  • Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

© Copyright 2024. Inner World Training. All rights reserved.